New Year: Be For Purpose On Purpose

Congratulations, we made it to another new year! Despite all the madness, I’m grateful to be here for it. Talk about the goodness and awesomeness of God!

Entering a new year brings a fresh start with a new burst of energy and motivation to accomplish and set new goals. The start of a new year brings new beginnings, and many people, myself included, get excited and ready to take off in new directions, filled with the potential for success.

Many sign up for the best-discounted gym memberships, jump aboard the latest workout trends, and make many New Year resolutions, most taking a nosedive before Spring.

Now, let me affirm my intentions. It’s not just about starting afresh or revamping your routine. As we age and mature, we recognize the importance of committing to personal growth and a healthy lifestyle.

I once was one of those people who, with every new year, hit into new year gear with the next best trend and the desire for change. I had the intention and willingness to change, but my follow-through would fall through, and sadly, that brought no success.

How could we not get lost in distractions with everything happening around us? From the news, the YouTube, the Gram, etc? Of course, It’s a challenge we all face in the modern world.

In addition, if you have little ones like me, you know it’s easy to get lost during the day. For example, there are times when I’ve had a full-on busy schedule, sometimes even amid someone speaking to me; I’ll hear their words, but my mind is drifting toward what I forgot to do or what’s for dinner.

Therefore, one goal I will achieve in this new year is to be mindful of being present. That means not only showing up but staying mindful of being present—the present matters and even more so with all that is happening around us.

Today matters; whatever issues are happening today matter. Time spent with your children today matters; the hug and kiss with your spouse matters. The 30-minute walk in the park matters. The burst of laughter at the show you’ve watched for the tenth time matters.

You get the point; let’s unleash our faith and put on an attitude of mindfulness for life. Yes, we live busy lives, and most often, we can easily be so distracted with everything else that we forget about ourselves and our goals. Our lives are worth living, and our goals are worth reaching.

Yes, even through the ups and downs that come, we still have to show up for our purpose on purpose with a mind to complete our purpose. As long as we have breath, we are here on purpose; we have more to offer ourselves, our families, and others.

Ready, Set, and Go! Let’s Be Mindful, Let’s Thrive In 2025!