Love Is Kind

Today, we often hear the phrase “God is Love.” Still, it’s hardly a fad statement since the scriptures precisely tell us “God is love.” (1 Jo 4:16). The thought of being loved perfectly by the God who set the planets in our solar system at the right time and place is an altogether lovely, all-encompassing thought.

It is a mysterious and beautiful thought, a concept that can inspire and uplift us, yet so many of us are not intrigued by it. The God of the Bible is more than a myth; God is more than anything we think we know about love and everything compared to love. A love that we get a brief glimpse of during our lifetime.

Often, we relate to love through our relationships—the great graph of love. How many good days determines the amount of love we receive and how well we feel about each other. Yet that’s far from what we know about the love of God in scripture. The Bible says God is love, and love is kind, which tells us love includes actions.

We see an example of God’s loving kindness stretched far beyond eternity and before the beginning of all creation. We can see some of the first acts of God’s love in the creation story. The Bible tells me God created me and you to love us.

God created us to love each other, starting with the love in us from Him towards Him. This love is all about showing kindness. Love is kind.

As we celebrate love, let’s do so with a heartfelt reflection on true love—a love that is not just a word, but an action. Love is kind.

As we journey through this world, let’s not grow weary of showing kindness, even in the form of prayer for one another.

Prayer is not just a passive act; it’s an action that truly makes a difference. Lastly, we see the greatest act of love in the act of sacrifice.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16).

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