What Is Peace?
Our search for peace begins with understanding what peace means and why it is worth pursuing. Essentially, peace can be defined as security, safety, prosperity, and freedom from fear, knowing that we have nothing to fear from God. But what does this look like in our daily lives today?
Personal Experience
From personal experience, I can recall the countless times when peace seemed debatable in my life. As a mother to a special needs child, I faced numerous challenges that tested my inner peace.
For instance, there would be days when my son’s scheduled nurse would call in at the last minute, and the nursing agency wouldn’t have a replacement nurse.
There I would be, in a quick instance, moving arms, hands, and feet without a nurse and with three small children, two of whom were still in diapers.
So, I appreciated moments of quietness. I experienced moments of quietness that felt very peaceful; however, those moments weren’t God’s true inner peace.
These moments were just days that didn’t have a lot of noise or unwanted interruptions. And even though I was a Christian, I was unaware of the truth regarding God’s assured peace for me and my life.
I was under the impression that since we’re fighting in a spiritual battle, this meant persistent troubles with many unanswered questions. After all, this is spiritual warfare.
While we are in a spiritual battle, we are not fighting as the defeated but as the victor.
From the illustration given to us in the scriptures, we are standing fully equipped, wearing the whole armor of God. “…and…your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace…” (Eph. 6:15).
How can we distinguish between true inner peace and temporary quietness?
So, how can we distinguish between true inner peace, the peace of God, and mere moments of temporary quietness?
Well, let’s see what the Bible says; the Bible gives us some key identifying characteristics relating to the peace of God.
“…and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus”. (Phl 4:7).
The peace of God is far higher and beyond any and everything we can fully understand or logically explain. How awesome is that?
The Peace of God is actively guarding our hearts.
We receive not only God’s grace, love, and redemption, but He has also equipped us with this powerful peace that stands guard at our hearts.
This peace allows us to have courage and strength. Regardless of the trial or circumstance, we know the outcome will be for our good.
Even as we continue to fight the good fight of faith, we can take comfort in knowing we are not alone.
Day in and day out, we fight, pray, and win. God’s peace is actively guarding our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. The gospel of peace is the good news—God’s proven word to humanity in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Through our Bible study and observations of the world, we understand that having peace does not mean we will be free from troubles. Instead, we can find comfort in knowing that God’s peace with us is far greater than positive thinking during difficult times.
This peace helps us endure through the storms of life and guides us to calm waters on the other side.
The scriptures instruct us to seek peace actively, assuring us that the peace of God will guard our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
As stated in Romans 5:1, “Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
These Bible verses assure relational peace with God, equipping us with empowering freedom and inner peace. Additionally, Ephesians 2:14 tells us, “For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one and has broken down the middle wall of separation”.(Eph 2:14).
Five Ways To Keep The Peace Of God
Now that we understand the peace of God, here are some tips to help us maintain it.
Make time to pray; having an intimate time of prayer and meditation, especially in the morning, has many spiritual benefits.
It helps me begin my days with confidence and joy. It steers my focus on trusting God for the day’s journey. I take comfort in knowing that whatever the day brings, I’m not required to face it alone.
Read The Bible
Read the Bible to learn God’s thoughts, words, and ways. The world we live in is in constant upheaval.
Reading the Bible helps us navigate through the world we live in. When unsure about things or wanting clarity on issues, I search the Bible for answers or help.
Guided Thoughts
Researchers used brain scans to identify thought transitions. Their findings suggest that participants, on average, had 6.5 thoughts per minute, totaling approximately 6,200 thoughts per day.
All the more reason to pay attention to what we are thinking about. Think about those good things, and get in the habit of purposeful thinking.
When unpleasant thoughts come, replace them by thinking of good things or meditating on your favorite Bible scripture.
I remember when I became a Christian, one of my favorite Bible memory verses was “being confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6).
The verse reminded me that I was a work in progress with an anticipated completion.
Do Not Worry
Turn off worry, turn on trust in God. This one takes continuous effort, such as exercising for energy and strength. A one-time fix will not get the job done.
We must make this a routine and actively remind ourselves of God’s faithfulness, love, and kindness toward us.
It is uplifting to remember all the times God has been faithful in caring for, guiding, and assisting us.
Use Caution Toward Unpleasant Things
We should be selective, whether the things we watch or the music we listen to. If we imagine our minds and lives as a garden, the seeds we plant will produce fruit.
So, if we’re planting good seeds, we will produce good fruit. If consuming junk food daily fails to provide essential nutrients, filling our lives with junk is just as detrimental.
Be Encouraged!