Journey To The Zoo: 20 Fascinating Reasons To Visit The Zoo

Visit The Zoo

Who doesn’t enjoy a visit to the zoo? Especially since it’s an inexpensive fun venture with tons of learning opportunities which are exciting for both kids and parents. And with summer break coming up, I’m sure the kids will definitely be in search of something fun and exciting to do.

We recently took our little ones to the zoo, and they enjoyed it; actually, we all enjoyed it. The weather was fair not too hot, or humid and we had a wonderful time learning about the animals. So, if you find yourself during summer break looking for a fun, inexpensive and local activity that the kids will enjoy then add a trip to the local zoo to your list.

Considering how busy we get with family life, in general, I know we as parents sometimes we forget all the exciting things we enjoyed when we were kids. So I made this list of 20 fantastic reasons to visit the zoo. Also, since each location is different be sure to check out the theme for your local area before visiting.

Visit The Dallas Zoo

We went to the Dallas Zoo which has both the Dinosaurs from now until September and then the wilds of Africa. I really enjoyed seeing the Dinos At The Zoo activity list which includes several giant life-size dinosaur figures, robotic dinosaurs, and they have educational guides that show how current animals relate to dinosaurs.

Fun Activities

There were tons of interactive activities and games for the family, for instance, they have an area where you can interact with the giraffes and feed them.

So whether your planning for a weekend trip or your waiting summer break I’m sure you and the family will enjoy the trip.

20 Fascinating Reasons To Visit The Zoo

The Fascinating Birds

20 Excellent Reason To Visit The Zoo
African Penguins

20 Excellent Reason To Visit The Zoo
Blue and Yellow Macaw

20 Excellent Reason To Visit The Zoo


20 Excellent Reason To Visit The Zoo


Common Warthogs

20 Excellent Reason To Visit The Zoo


20 Excellent Reason To Visit The Zoo


20 Excellent Reason To Visit The Zoo


20 Excellent Reason To Visit The Zoo

Beautiful Flamingos

20 Excellent Reason To Visit The Zoo

Fun Snacks & Treats

20 Excellent Reason To Visit The Zoo


20 Excellent Reason To Visit The Zoo



20 Excellent Reason To Visit The Zoo


20 Excellent Reason To Visit The Zoo

Black & White Lemur


The Mysterious Mandrill

20 Excellent Reason To Visit The Zoo


Safari Plants

20 Excellent Reason To Visit The Zoo


Take A Trip To The Zoo


In short, I hope these 20 beautiful creatures serve as reminders of all the fun, and exciting things to do and see when you journey to the zoo.

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