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Six Ways To Weight Loss: A Busy Mom’s Guide

Guide to weight loss

Six Ways To Weight Loss

The journey to weight loss and getting in shape is never easy. There are more times than I like to remember when I started trying to lose weight only to give up after a few weeks. Besides as a busy mom and wife, it’s easy to come up with a few reasons why my attempts didn’t work, why they wouldn’t have worked or why I shouldn’t even try.

My Journey

There are several times when I remember getting so frustrated about my failed attempts at weight loss that I didn’t want to hear or talk about weight loss period.

The most recent times was about two and a half years ago. When my next to the youngest daughter was around four or five months. I had the postpartum itch of excitement! That’s when after you’ve recovered from having the baby, you’re feeling ready and excited to jump back in full swing of things.

I was excited and ready to get fit, lose weight and get it together! For instance, I started going to the gym, making changes to my eating habits and feeling excited.

What happened? The whisper of defeat began to give way, then the excuses followed. After that my gym routine took a back seat, and so did the goal of weight loss.

Well, what changed? Everything! Starting with my attitude towards my goals. After the birth of my youngest daughter who’s now eight months as I’m writing this, I decided enough was enough, and I was ready to try again. It happened after leaving my doctor’s office and getting the final approval to resume my regular routine. At that point, I made my mind up and made the decision to get to work.

Decision Time

I made the decision with myself to make a change because I knew I wanted to change and that going forward my goal was a total transformation.

With this in mind, I was no longer focused on a time frame; instead, the focus was set on seeing results! So, have I seen results? Yes, and I continue to see those results, with even more to come. Having my mind set on results, then the next step was finding what works. So, I started searching, looking for whatever information I could find on losing weight. During my research, I found out about intermittent fasting.

What Is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting is abstaining from eating for a specific time frame. Then eating again within a shorter time frame. For example, when I first started, I fasted from breakfast and didn’t eat until 1 p.m. and finished eating by 8 p.m. So, I fasted for sixteen hours and allowed an eight-hour window for eating with no snacking in between.

The results started showing up fast, and that encouraged me to keep going. So I continued doing more research about intermittent fasting and learned that it really has excellent benefits.


The benefits include lowered blood pressure, of course weight loss, and improving glucose levels. Keep in mind that before you start any type of program be sure to check with your physician.

This is important especially if you’re taking medication. Another critical factor about intermittent fasting includes understanding this is not a diet plan, it”s a lifestyle change. Which means you are doing the work, both mentally and physically.

Also, the window of eating shouldn’t be used as a window of binge eating on junk food. As with any lifestyle change, the idea is to change for the better, hence healthy eating.

So with this in mind, I will share with you the five ways to weight loss from a busy mom, someone who knows the importance of time. With these tips, you are sure to lose weight, see results and find yourself free of excuses.

Guide For Weight Loss

Five Ways To Weight Loss

First Tip: Get Your Head In The Game

The first step toward anything we hope to change or accomplish starts in our thoughts and attitude. Proverbs 4:23 “Keep your heart with all diligence. For out of it spring the issues of life.” This is one of my favorite scriptures on the guidance of the mind and how important it is to keep good thoughts. For instance, good ideas, and the right attitude will bring good results.

Second Tip: Intermittent Fasting

Again Intermittent fasting is not a diet plan; it’s a lifestyle. If you haven’t tried it before it is well worth giving it a try. Since it’s a lifestyle change and not a diet, then try it with periods that will work for you.

Third Tip: Eating Habits

The truth is we all have eating habits its just deciding to have good eating habits. In other words, eating healthy is living healthy. For some of us, the decision to change our habits might include just making restrictions in our portion control, while for the rest of us this might consist of an entirely new way of eating.

Fourth Tip: Exercise

Try to aim for thirty minutes to one hour a day, three to five days a week. If going to the gym is too much of a hassle then exercise at home or go for a walk. The goal is for results so keep in mind the more you put in, the more you will get out of it.

Fifth Tip: Keep Going

Consistency equals results. In life, we will get busy, have trials, pay bills, feed families, grocery shop, change dirty diapers and get tired. Even with all these things and more we don’t stop living. We keep going! This attitude is the attitude of someone who wants to see results. No matter how busy you are, you are worth whatever goal you are wanting to achieve.


Losing weight especially after having children is not easy. As a mom, I understand all too well how simple it is to put the extra pounds on and how difficult it is to get take them off.

However, difficult does not mean you’re incapable of reaching your goal, it just means it will take more effort to achieve it. In other words, you’re going to have to fight for your results. Whether you’re trying to lose five pounds or fifty, remember you’re worth it.

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