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Lose Weight: Two Proven Ways To Weight Loss

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Lose Weight

How To Lose Weight And Keep It Off

One of the biggest questions we most often want to know is how to lose weight and keep it off. However, losing weight is a journey, and from experience, I know it takes time, courage, commitment, and consistency. A commitment to making a lifestyle change.

And since Spring is right around the corner, I want to share a few tips of encouragement to help you or someone you know to get started and accomplish their goals.

Finally, the weather is warming up, and I’m excited about it. I am definitely looking forward to the warmer weather, but not so much the allergy season, which comes with it, yet all the same, I’m still excited about the Spring.

My Weight Loss

Let me be honest, I am most excited about Spring because I get to buy new clothes, and who doesn’t like shopping for new clothes? Yes, I do enjoy the warmer weather, but I’m super happy about my weight loss transformation. Especially since achieved such a significant weight loss, and still, the journey continues.

No, I’m not bragging about myself, maybe just a tab bit, but I have to say, my weight loss journey has been and continues to be phenomenal. It’s not every day I get to lose 100 lbs, and yes, keep it off.

And while I’m hugely impressed with the weight loss, I can’t leave out the other great benefits I’ve gained since losing weight. For example, I’ve gained strength, muscle tone, and a significant increase in energy, I feel great, and I continue to enjoy working out.

So, my goal as of today is twenty pounds to go, and that’s amazing. Thus, the reason I’m sharing this is I know Spring is just around the corner, and Summer is soon to follow.

Weight Loss Is A Journey

Well, here’s where I want to encourage you or someone you may know regarding how to start on their weight loss journey or any other goal.

So if it’s you and you want to know what I did to start on my weight loss journey, lose the weight, keep it off, and gain new levels of energy, then keep reading. And if it’s not for you, then share it with someone you know who needs a little encouragement with their journey.

Hence, from experience, most often, we know we want to lose weight. And we understand we need to get healthy, get fit, and get in shape. But at times, the biggest struggle is making a move over to doing something about it. Well, before you start the next trending diet, find out two key factors to how I lost weight.

Lose Weight: Two Proven Ways


The first step is to decide on the obligation to change. We owe it ourselves. If you have the desire, and you want to do something different, then take the first step and make the decision that today is the special day for a change. Let today be the day to start, not tomorrow, not next week, not next month, but today.

Make a mental declaration and follow through with your thoughts to produce the results. Often we desire to lose weight, get healthy, and get in shape. We set out with goals in mind, and we may even start with our salads and thirty minutes on the treadmill. But soon after, we get tired, discouraged, and lose our focus, then we give up or give in, and the cycle continues.

Well, for me, it was right before my youngest daughter was born. Those last few weeks before she arrived were hectic. Wow, I remember I weighed close to 300 lbs; my back was hurting. It was difficult staying asleep. I couldn’t sleep comfortably, and I was ready for delivery.

Pray About It

A lot of times, we pray about the “big things,” but we forget God cares about us thoroughly, not just the “big things” but everything. If it’s an issue for us, we should pray about it. So, that’s what I did. I asked the Lord for the strength to get through the birth. And I told myself that once I made it through to my post-Partum check-up, then that was it. I was going to commit to getting healthy and losing weight.

So, whatever your goal is, whether it’s to lose weight or write a book, do it. But before you begin on your journey, choose to commit. Thus, start your journey, commit to change, go for it, do the work, and don’t stop until you reach your destination.

Keep your mindset on the end goal, the accomplishment, and the victory. It’s not about the speed; it’s about the results. Some days will go faster than others, but don’t stop, keep going.


Once we’ve made the decision and have gotten serious with our commitment then we move to produce our goal. And the results we want to see, then we have to stay consistent in the process to see results. Staying with it made all the difference for me.

When I first started intermittent fasting, I didn’t know if it was going to work. But what I did know was I was going to continue with whatever did work and yield results. Since I did begin to see satisfactory results, then my goal was to continue with it and keep going. And I’m still doing it today.

Thus, I incorporated working out, and I continue to change or make any modifications to my program so I can continue to see the results I want. Don’t get confused by the word program. Because I’m not on a fancy or expensive program, and I call it “my program” because it’s my way of saying my plan “the plan,” the method that works for me.

My Weight Loss Methods

The two methods which I continue to see results with are intermittent fasting and exercise. Since these are among the most to bring results, it’s what works for me. I say this because my method or program might not work for everyone, but it works wonders for me, and notably many others.


So first things first commit, after you commit to making the change, then get busy producing results for yourself, and once you find what works for you no matter what stay with it. However, of course, be flexible to make modifications to yield better results as you see fit.

Tip To Keep

Remember, it is not how fast you get there; it’s about really getting there and making the change. The purpose is to get the results.


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