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Mental Illness Awareness

Mental Illness

Mental Illness

Mental illness is a serious condition that affects a person’s mood, behavior, thinking, and emotions. We don’t argue that Mental illness is real and has become a very serious issue in our society today especially with our young people. As parents, we owe it to our children and families to get informed about mental illness and know the signs, symptoms, and treatment options that are available.

As a parent I have seen it and experienced it from both sides both as the child and a now the parent. From experience I understand the challenges, hardships, and pain of mental illness. My mother and sister both live the reality of schizophrenia, which has a wide range of symptoms, signs, and treatments. While there is not a cure for schizophrenia there is treatment, especially with early detection. The sooner it is recognized and diagnosed the better for both the family and the patient.

Before the devastating tragedy in Parkland, Florida I asked my 15-year-old high school daughter to do a survey with her friends and students. The survey question asks them to give  1 sentence regarding the things they wish their parents knew. Some of the answers were fun and typical teenage answers but there was one answer that was a bit surprising. The student wished her parents knew that depression is not another teenage phase that will phase out the older she gets. My initial thought of the answer was wow that sounds like a cry for help with her depression.

Yes, I know that with teenagers and young adults we will run into the concern of knowing the difference between attention seeking behavior and something more serious. My advice is to treat it all serious until a licensed physician has ruled out any mental health issues.

Get Informed

The resources are out there however the people who want and need them the most have limited access to them.

If you know anyone who is struggling with depression or any other mental health disorder there’s help. I have listed some important information below that will help. Please contact your local health officials they can also provide you with the best contact information for your specific concern.

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