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Motivation Moment!

Motivation, it's a new start

Get Up! Get Motivation!

Here’s a cup of motivation to help you start off your day or week. Get up, get ready, get pumped! It’s time for  motivation. It’s a new day, the start of a new week and it’s about to go down! Fuel the engine, grab the coffee and put on your favorite jam! You’ve got this! Look at that beautiful face in the mirror and put a smile on it just because you can.

Get Focused

As you start the day get focused, stay focused, stay favored and most importantly stay ready! Whatever the day may bring recognize and believe that God is already there. God is ready, willing and more than able to bring you out, bring you above and bring you through it.

Let it be according to your faith. So you determine just how high you want to jump and just how deep you want to swim. Go get it, my friend. Because it’s truly yours for the taking! Start the day and keep going. Start, start and start again!

The key to motivation is to get up and keep going with the mindset of never giving up. So, regardless the challenge, choose to be resilient and continue on the journey. And no matter how many times you fall, get up and start again.


“We don’t develop courage by being happy everyday.

We develop it by surviving difficult times and challenging adversity.”

Barbara DeAngelis

Scripture Of The Day
John 5:5‭-‬9 NIV, 

The sick man’s response was not an immediate yes to the question as one might think it should have been after all this man had a desperate situation going on, he was sick and disabled for thirty-eight years.

I have a son who’s disabled and while he hasn’t been disabled for thirty-eight years, he has been for eleven years and in those eleven years, I would have to believe that even his answer to that question would be YES, I want to be healed!

Yet that wasn’t the sick man’s response, his reply was not in response to what he truly needed which was healing but rather toward his inability, his shortcomings and his reasons of why he was unable to get healed.

Well, this sounds familiar, all too often each of us can relate to this same situation, we’ll see “why we can’t” instead of looking beyond ourselves for the “I can and I will.”

However, here’s the good news, we have a God and a savior who looks beyond our disabilities, shortcoming, and failures. Thus, only to give us His best even when it’s unexpected.

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