Keep Your Feet On The Ground And Keep Moving! Yes! I am starting and staying motivated, and so are you! Indeed this is the year of transformation, particularly for me it's about following through and seeing results. And one key factor in achieving these goals is motivation. So, how do…
We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. Martin Luther King, Jr
Nulla facilisi. Duis vel magna turpis. Nullam rutrum urna ut metus molestie malesuada. Nulla cursus leo eu eros vestibulum mattis. Vestibulum ac augue sodales, tincidunt velit vitae, iaculis metus. Nam nec ipsum in orci convallis maximus. Vivamus in ullamcorper odio. Curabitur vitae ipsum non nisl tempor lacinia eu vitae felis.…
Suspendisse ac mollis sem, eget molestie ligula. Aliquam vehicula lacinia magna eget porttitor. Fusce posuere magna vitae ultricies pharetra. Sed tellus lectus, viverra sed mi ut, iaculis condimentum justo. Fusce facilisis imperdiet elit quis vulputate. Duis in tincidunt libero, in laoreet libero. Nulla et nulla molestie, blandit justo eget, hendrerit…
Cras ornare ultricies lorem, eu sodales metus dapibus quis. Vivamus semper sem et semper scelerisque. Nunc nec consequat nulla. Mauris eget purus ante. Aenean facilisis eu massa sed tincidunt. Donec accumsan vitae nulla ac aliquam. Aliquam at purus ac magna volutpat aliquet a et arcu. Quisque sem mauris, rutrum convallis…
Nam iaculis tristique eros id fringilla. Pellentesque dui nulla, ullamcorper id ullamcorper vitae, tristique non risus. Integer viverra dolor ut porta egestas. Sed consequat gravida neque vitae feugiat. Vivamus auctor semper eros, ut blandit ligula semper non. Suspendisse vel nunc id turpis rhoncus mollis. Donec faucibus tristique tortor, Etiam volutpat…
Having A Baby After 40! Babies are beautiful! They smell heaven scent and make hearts everywhere melt. Having a baby is one of the greatest gifts given to women. However, enduring the pregnancy is indeed bittersweet from beginning to end. My experience with being pregnant after 40 years old was…
These two simple tips help me keep the clutter clear not only in my home but also in my head. Who doesn't want simplicity when it comes to managing our homes and lives. I live for it, and unless crazy is the first name on your birth certificate, then you…
Healthy Eating Is A Lifestyle Spring is here, and summer is on the way when we all want to look and feel our best. Here are five simple steps to help you look and feel your best. Eating healthy isn't about losing weight although it's an attributed benefit that comes…
Break Free From Past Hurts I'm sure at some point in our lives, each of us has experienced a past hurt by a family member or friend. Unforgiving past hurts from broken relationships can leave us with feelings of resentment, bitterness, sadness, and anger. When left unresolved these feelings can…