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Potty Training Tips

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The Adventures of Potty Training

Everyone has to go potty eventually but the fundamentals for everyone are not the same. I have been down this road six times and it has been different each time. It’s not only different because boys and girls have different instruments, it’s different because each child is different and learns differently. Here is just a few of my own personal potty training tips to help you during your adventure.

While one child may pick up on potty training quickly the first time another child may need more time and different training altogether. The most important thing is not to make comparisons between the child and other children. Allow every child to have their own learning experience, potty training is a learning adventure.

Potty training is the same just as every other thing we have to teach as parents. We help them learn how to talk, walk, read, write, tie their shoes and ride bikes. With that mind the next question is when is the right time to start.

Potty Training: Ready or Not?

Every child is different but one way to recognize if your child is ready or not is by watching for clues. One of my favorite clues is taking the diaper off and not wanting to keep the diaper on period. Not all of my kids did this but for those who did, I understood it as I’m ready for the potty.

Other clues can include:

  • Is the child asking or showing interest in the potty?
  • Has the child asked about big kids underwear?
  • Does the child try to use the potty on their own?
  • Can the child change in and out of their clothes?

If you answered yes to these questions then it sounds like your little adventurer is ready for the potty. Ultimately the decision to start potty training is up to you the parent and your child. Whatever you decide to do, make it as pleasant and fun as you can, no pressure and no timetable. Remember every child is different and there’s no right or wrong answer just a learning adventure for you and your child.

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