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Pursuit Of Peace

peace calm quiet

Where is Peace When We Need It The Most?

We can agree that we live in a busy world with far and few days of quietness and peace. Peace is the pleasantness in the day far from chaos, confusion, and disruption. Wouldn’t be great if we could start and end each day in a quiet place of rest and calmness? I’ve learned from experience that we have to be intentional in our effort of pursuing peace.

It’s hard to remain calm during those difficult moments when our emotions are elevated and getting the best of us. However, it’s in those moments of anger, anxiety, and tribulation when we need peace the most.

Peace will come when we choose to pursue and attain it during those most difficult times. Think about the last argument you had or the last time you were angry. Did you think about peace or did your emotions get the best of you? Most often it is our emotions that cause us to lose our focus on tranquility.

Peace is defined as a state of national tranquility, soundness, wholeness, freedom from disturbance, and quietness. Tranquility is just another word for calmness or being calm. When we quite our minds and shut out the noises around us it’s called meditation. Meditation is a great way to relax and unwind especially from a hard day of work. Meditation also another great way to bring down those elevated emotions and get into a state of calmness.

peace calm quietness

What Is Peace To You?

There is a universal definition of peace but I think the experience of it depends on the individual. For example, when I’m praying and spending time with God it’s as if all noises have disappeared and everything stands still. That’s my individual experience when I’m praying it may be a different experience for someone else.

I believe it’s the same with tranquility it is defined and experienced on an individual basis. What is peace to you or how do you describe your moment of calmness? I hope you take a few minutes to really think about these questions and answer them for yourself.

Our answers may not be the same but hopefully, we can all agree that perfect peace comes from God. The scripture describes it as a peace that surpasses all understanding.
How beautiful, a peace that we can’t describe or understand but it’s there to guard our hearts against worry and anxiety.


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One thought on “Pursuit Of Peace

  1. Everybody needs a little peace in this fast past world that we live in, if not then we would all be crazy. Thank you for this beautiful piece.

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