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Summer Fun: 10 Reasons To Appreciate Summer


Summer is one of my favorite seasons, aside from spring and winter. Indeed summer tops the list. Well really, who doesn’t enjoy summertime?

The only thing I don’t appreciate about the summer is it comes and goes so fast. It’s already the middle of July. It seems it was just the end of May 2 weeks ago. And, it won’t be too long before we’re heading back to school.

The classroom will be back in session, and then we’ll know for sure that summer end is around the corner. I know I’m not alone when I say I’ll never get used to how fast the school breaks comes.

And how even faster it seems to be over. Well, apart from the heat and the sweat it brings, we all can find a ton of reasons to appreciate summer.

Summer Mood

Is it just me, or do you notice how the weather does affect our mood and energy levels? For instance, the sun brings out the energetic kid in me because when it’s sunny outside.

I’m full of energy and the opposite altogether when it’s raining. So it must be something about the rays of sunshine that adds energy and excitement.

Summer Fun

One thing for sure about summer is the fun, and enjoyable time we get to spend with our family. The kids are out of school, and our college attendees get to return to the nest for a bit. And not to forget those extended family road trip reunions.

Well, when it comes to a family road trip, I’m all in whether it’s summer, fall, winter, or spring. Besides as far back as I remember, I enjoy the excitement and adventure of a long road trip.


My 10 Reasons To Appreciate Summer

So apart from long road trips, the warm weather and fun activities. Here’s my list to share my ten reasons for why I appreciate the summer.

1. Sunny Days: The sunny weather is the absolute enjoyment of the summer season.

2. Outdoor Activities: There’s an unlimited amount of outdoor festivities to get into during the summertime. Such as a family-friendly water park or a weekend with the family at the playground.

3. Fashion: Warmer weather means cool clothes and I mean that literally. I live in Texas, and as the saying goes, everything’s bigger in Texas, including the heat.

4. Food: Well, when it comes to the summertime feast, my options are full. However, my favorite foods to eat during the summer include mostly finger foods. Such as catfish fillets, shrimp, and of course, BBQ.

5. Fruit: Well, my favorite summertime fruits include watermelon, peaches, and blueberries.

6. Swimming: I enjoy a good swim, especially during the summer, especially in the evening. Although for my little ones, swimming is a year-round amusement in the bathtub.

7. Backyard Partying: Need I say anymore. All it takes for me is good food, family and good music. My kind of party.

8. Cold Beverages: Whether it’s fruit slushes or snow cones, I have to have a cold slushy drink during the summer.

9. Sandals: Can a lady have too many shoes? Of course not especially when it comes to sandals.

10. Patio Dining: Date night favorite during the summertime. If you need a reason get out and have a quiet night out, then let your favorite patio restaurant be it.


Spending time with our family is enjoyable whether summer, spring or winter. I know I’m not alone when I say most often it’s better to look at things sunny side up.

It’s easy to get caught up in the negativity all around us. But it’s refreshing to look away from the negatives and determine to find reasons to be grateful instead.

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