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Terrible Two's

Hello Terrible Two’s

The onset of the terrible twos will quickly have us missing those moments of glistening bubbling eyes and the smile that’s sweeter than the best piece of cheesecake. Of course, terrible twos bring on the thoughts of wanting a trade in, but sorry, there’s no trade-in, refunds or returns. Unfortunately, there’s not even a owners manual or an instruction book when it comes to our sweet children during this stage.

Toddler Two's


Namely, what are the terrible twos and when do they show up? As one physician described it as “a normal stage in which toddlers begin to struggle between their reliance on adults and their desire for their independence.” It sounds so cute, but the behavior that this stage brings is anything but cute.

Specifically, the terrible twos arrive before the age of three but definitely around the second birthday. Of course, I say this from experience; you will know the terrible twos have arrived when every other word includes “no” and “mine.” For instance, the sudden increase in wanting to reattach themselves to you is reasonable. Another big one for me is the sudden interest in pouring out liquids, for no reason other than it looks better on the floor. Also, add all the great juicy dramatics, and you’ve got yourself terrible twos.


Managing this stage is primarily dependent on the personality of the child, but overall it consists of balance and firm consistency. With this in mind during this stage, it’s important to allow room for compromise but when a no is the answer stand on the no. Consequently, by offering choices, it will enable the child the opportunity to display their independence. For example, redirecting is an excellent way of staying firm and addressing the child’s behavior. Above all breathe and know that this stage will pass as your little one grows into their selected independence. You have my permission to let this be another reason you deserve a spa day

Toddler Tips

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  1. This is great! Every parent should read this and take heed of this! Information well noted and advice taken. Thank you momifulmom!

  2. Now I know how to get through the terrible twos with my little sister. Thanks MomifulMom!

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