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The Best Way To Break Free From The Past

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Break Free From Past Hurts

Well, I’m sure at some point in our lives, each of us has experienced a past hurt by a family member or friend. Unforgiving past hurts from broken relationships can leave us with feelings of resentment, bitterness, sadness, and anger. When left unresolved these feelings can keep us entrapped in a cycle of pain, which can prevent us from experiencing God’s best for us. God’s best includes us living a life of success, peace, joy, and happiness. When we live with unforgiveness, we live as broken, hurt people, who are unable to give to others what we have not received or accepted for ourselves.

Receive Freedom

I speak from experience when I say that from Christ Jesus we receive freedom, redemption, and forgiveness. Once we believe and accept we are forgiven through God’s grace then are we able to give forgiveness in faith to those who have hurt us. When we choose to forgive we’re choosing to let go of the offense and let go of the past. If we refuse to forgive we’re still holding on to the past hurt and we’re still waiting for the offender to give us what we believe they owe us or give us an apology. Continuing in this pattern of unforgiveness we are allowing past hurt to keep us not only tied to the hurt but also tied to the person.


The best way to break free from the past and receive reconciliation in our lives is by choosing to forgive. We have to let go, receive God’s forgiveness then make the decision to give forgiveness. Unforgiveness is one of the main reasons people continue to remain bitter for years, unable to break free from dysfunctional family relationships. They’re still waiting for something they may never receive from those family members. It is better to receive God’s grace which He is willing and ready to give us than to keep waiting for someone to give us what may never come.

I hope this inspires you to receive God’s grace and forgiveness first for yourself and then for others. After you receive forgiveness then are you able to forgive others and break free from the past.

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One thought on “The Best Way To Break Free From The Past

  1. This is so the absolute truth. In order to make for a better future, we must indeed (as the author says), “Break Free from past hurts. ” Wow this has helped me understand more about the now and future. Thank you for your encouraging and inspiring words of wisdom and understanding.

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