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10 Polite Habits:Teaching Our Toddlers

Polite Habits For Toddlers

Teaching our toddlers how to be polite is another vital part in helping them to develop good habits in social development. Thus, every parent is a teacher; we are the first and primary teachers in our toddler’s life. However, with all the madness and distractions going on around us, it urges us to wonder if having manners and politeness still matters. But of course, the answer to that question is yes. Yes, it’s always important to not only have and demonstrate courtesy and manners as parents, but it’s still a significant value to teach to our children.

My toddlers especially my four-year-old son was the inspiration for this brief article. Of course, he’s in the learning and hard of listening stages, so I find myself continually reminding him about being courteous and polite. So I thought I’d share the 10 Polite Habits that I find myself having to repeat.

Really, since we live in a time when social media is a magnet platform for our youth. And with our little ones growing up in a time of social media and different social challenges, it’s vital for them to know how to respect others and the importance of it.

Teaching our little ones early on will help lay the foundation for good social development. Thus, as with everything, if we effectively teach it to them, it will carry on with them. Especially our toddlers, who will soon be heading off to school. And we want them readily applying those good manners with good behavior.

So, from experience, I’ve learned five critical points in teaching the toddlers. Instruct them, have them show it, repetition, consistency, and live it out by example.

Teaching Toddlers: Five Tips To Help Them Learn

  1. Give Instructions, Tell the child what it is you want them to do. For example, ask them to say thank you after you offer them something or someone gives them something.
  2. Illustrate, Let the child demonstrate what you did or said. For instance, you place the toy in their hand and say, “thank you.” Then you have them repeat it back to you with assistance or on their own.
  3. Repetition, yes as we know toddlers as with children, in general, have a short attention span. Thus, we have to continue to remind them by repeating ourselves until they reach the point of remembering on their own.
  4. Consistency, we teach them and demonstrate ethical behavior with the right attitude of politeness the same way every time. For example, every time someone gives them something, have them say “thank you” regardless if they like what was offered.
  5. By Example, as parents one of the best ways to help our toddlers to learn politeness is by living it out for them to see. So if we want polite, well-mannered toddlers, then we have to show them this behavior.

Ten Polite Habits

The First Four Polite Things To Say!
  1. Thank You
  2. Please
  3. Yes or No Sir/Ma’am
  4. Excuse Me
  5. Ask Nicely
  6. Don’t Snatch
  7. Do Not Take Things Without Asking
  8. Be Honest
  9. Play Fair & Don’t Cheat
  10. Keep Hands & Feet To Yourself


In short, these are but a few ways to mind our manners or should I say keep manners on our mind, especially while teaching our toddlers. Yes, this list, of course, could go, and on but these are definitely the ones right now I’m using daily with my toddlers right now.

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