Three Keys To Jump-Start Your Day

Busy Mom’s Guide: 3 Ways To Jump-Start Your Day

Jump-Start Your Day!

Lights, Camera and Action!

Yes, that’s exactly how it feels when I wake up and jump-start my day. My day begins and ends with work, from breakfast to bedtime routine. Generally, my day starts before sunrise and ends not too far from midnight. As a stay at home mom of a now eight-month-old daughter, two toddlers, a special needs twelve-year-old son and a sixteen-year-old daughter I know precisely how not to start the day.

For example, I know I’m not going to have a productive day if I’m dragging myself out of bed with a bad attitude. Thinking negatively and not looking forward to the day. Further, I know my day will be in trouble in itself if I wake up, get out of bed and only keep reminding myself of how tired I am. Hence a negative mind will only produce negative results.

Trial & Error

So over the years, I’ve learned through trial and error how important it is to keep a hopeful attitude and a clear mind. Undoubtedly I understand that how you end the day before plays a role in how the next day begins. We’ll discuss more on that at another time.

However, in this article, I’m going to share with you the importance of starting your day with a hopeful and expectant attitude. In a world of chaos and confusion, it’s essential to have faith.

Essentially, faith is when we walk according to the hope of what we believe and not by what we see. We as believers walk by faith and not by sight! With this in mind, I’m going to share with you the three principal ways to jump-start your day.

Inspirational quote

Three Key Ways


The first thing is I make it a habit of waking up and praying. I approach the day with dependence on God’s wisdom in Christ. This is just as important as waking up and greeting your significant other with a kiss.

Prayer is me waking up and greeting my heavenly father. This is key for me because with prayer I’m acknowledging that I rely on God to help me throughout my day. Prayer plays a significant role in my life, as a wife and stay at home mom. Really, prayer is the vehicle for guidance, wisdom, and strength throughout my day.


Another thing is to have a moment to pause before I approach the business of the day. No doubt it’s going to be busy and messy throughout the day. However, before I get to all of that, I make it a habit to get still and quiet. Having this pause allows me a moment to gather myself before I give myself away to whatever the day brings.

According to research, moments of silence is actually beneficial to the brain. Therefore before you attack your day head-on, take a brief moment to get silent, still and gather yourself.


Finally, the last key is to prepare. So what I mean by prepare is me making a mental note for the day. Not only am I using this time to remember today’s to-do list but also how I hope the day goes. This works well for me, and I actually continue with mental notes throughout the day.

Yes, I’m the woman who talks to herself out loud. If you have children, especially small children then you do too. So whether you’re a stay at home mom or you work full time outside of the home. Indeed these three principals will help you jump-start your day and take on the world. Again the three keys to jump-start your day is Pray, Pause then Prepare.

Busy Mom's Guide

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