How To Stay Focused

Guide of How To Stay Focused

Five Strategies To Stay Focused

The purpose of this article is to share with you how as a busy mom I stay focused. As a stay at home mom, I certainly understand how easy it is to get sidetracked.

Especially with three children under the age of five things can get a little crazy. As a result, I admit most of the time I’m more focused on the kids and what my family needs than my self.

However, after the birth of my now eight-month-old daughter, I told myself 2019 is the year for change and transformation.

My goals include getting rid of the added pregnancy weight, eating healthy and getting fit.

While I know these will be challenging especially with the little ones, I am in it to win. In fact, as of today, I can happily say I am losing weight consistently and staying focused. So, what are my five tips to staying focus? I came up with an acronym to help you easily remember these key factors to being focused.

How To Stay Focused

Ways To Stay Focused


Tip 1. Recite – Repeat aloud your goals.

Reciting your goals out loud works in the same manner as affirmations. Positive affirmations are not only great for memory, but research has shown it can help you feel better and improve your performance.

Tip 2. Optimism- Be Optimistic!

Have a hopeful and confident attitude about your goals. For instance, I have days when I don’t feel like the weight is coming off. Then I’ll feel myself getting discouraged. When I see that coming, I say “Oh No You Don’t, I’m Losing Weight!” I’ll start intentionally thinking about how I’m going to look and feel in the future. Hence, I’m looking forward to the results. These thoughts bring a smile to my face, and I’m back on focus.

Tip 3. Action- Keep aiming at your goals!

Take active steps toward your goals, even if they’re small steps. The point is you’re making moves toward whatever you’re hoping to achieve.

Tip 4 and 5. Recognize and Remove Distractions-Know what gets you off track and once you do remove it.

I intentionally put these together. As a mother of toddlers, I know you may think I’m referring to my little ones but of course not because I can’t remove them. Instead, I’m referring to thoughts. I’m a firm believer in our thoughts having the power to control our actions.

So, when you recognize those thoughts which serve as distractions, get rid of them. For example, I’ve had moments when I could sit and think of every reason why I could NOT go to the gym. Such as, “I’ve been with the kids all day, and I’ll wait until tomorrow.” When this happens I know I’m trying to talk myself out of going. Hence, I have to dismiss the thought, get up and go to the gym. Again these examples are mine, but these tips can apply to any of your goals.

Five Ways To Stay Focused


In conclusion, I understand we’re living busy lives. As a mother, I know firsthand how managing priorities work. However, we owe it to ourselves and our families to follow through with our commitments toward achievement.

Acronym quote ROARR

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