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How To Stay Motivated


Keep Your Feet On The Ground And Keep Moving!

Yes! I am starting and staying motivated, and so are you! Indeed this is the year of transformation, particularly for me it’s about following through and seeing results. And one key factor in achieving these goals is motivation. So, how do we stay motivated? First, let’s define what it is we’re saying when we say motivation. In plain words, it means to get excited about whatever it is you want. Similarly, the dictionary definition of the word means to provide (someone) with a motive for doing something. Not that you’re not familiar with the word, but I want to encourage you by adding a fresh perspective to it. In other words, we have the power to motivate ourselves. In fact who knows better than you do what your goals are? Of course, we share with our family and friends our goals but only by our actions do we show our passion for them.

The keyword is doing! Let’s start this new year with new eyes! Whether the goal is to lose weight or start a new career regardless of what we’re doing let’s do it with a determined mind to stay motivated and keep going!

Stay Encouraged!


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