School Children Running

School Is Back In Session: 10 Stress Free Rules

School Children Running

Back To School

Get it in gear! It’s back to school, and the back to school madness is underway. As a mother of a large family, I’m still not immune to the chaos of back to school. Is it just me or does anyone else get to experience this?

Our children leave for summer break talking about the next school year then when the upcoming school year approaches they start talking about how they don’t want to go to back to school.

Well, I have a high school junior this year, and she’s already fussing about homework. And however, while it’s busy and a bit nerve-racking at times.

School Is Cool

Well, these are the times that make parenting all worth it. Plus, it doesn’t matter how many times I’ve gone through the back to school years; it still seems to come just as fast as it left.

Here’s the start of another school year and while I get so excited for the kids, it’s still b’s bittersweet. I know I’m not alone in saying how we enjoy the kids leaving off, but we do miss their presence at times as well.

However, we don’t miss them eating all the food, the snacks, using up all the water or making a mess around the house. But we do miss them at times.

Let me hurry up and change the subject before I change my mind about missing them — just a bit of humor. Please tell me I’m not the only one who laughs at my humor. Hence, I’m still a work in progress.

So, enough already with my rambling and let’s get into the ten stress-free rules for surviving the start of another great academic year.

School Chalkboard

Ten Stress Free Rules

1. Preparation

Prepare yourself and as much as possible, get prepared for any upcoming meetings or school events.

2. Welcome Instead of Worry

Since we’re human we have the great advantage of being dealt uninvited circumstances — especially when dealing with children. So, with this in mind, as we start the school year let’s do our best not to worry about what “could” happen and welcome what “is” happening right now. I’m not saying we don’t give thought to real pressing matters. However, let’s not get consumed with scenarios which haven’t taken place.

3. Prioritize

Keep a to-do list if needed to help to keep up with daily activities, chores, and school events. If it doesn’t cut, then let it roll away. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

4. Use A Calendar

A calendar app is a great way to stay organized.

5. Send Reminders

Again, since we’re human, we do have the advantage of forgetting things. So let’s do ourselves a favor and send a reminder text or set the phone alarm as a reminder. Here is another excellent tool I use to send and receive event information with teachers.

6. Email

So, recently, I was speaking with a new middle school mom, and she mentioned how crazy it gets trying to communicate with all her child’s teachers. My reply was simple; email them. Sometimes a phone call is necessary but if it’s a quick brief message then send an email.

7. Text Notifications

If you haven’t already then add this to your to-do list now. Sign up for your child’s school text notifications. It’s an easy way to stay up to date with district and school information.

8. Grateful Attitude

How many times do we tell our children to fix their attitude. If you have teenagers, then you know exactly where I’m coming. So as we start a new school year, let’s give attention to our attitude. Hence, while I’m sure we can easily find things to complain about let’s try to give more attention to things we’re thankful.

9. Stay Present

We’ve heard it plenty of times. “There’s no time like the present.” There’s plenty in front of us, and more on the way, so let’s make it a goal this year to take advantage of the moments we have at present.

10. Take A Bow

Give yourself a pat on the back! It’s the start of a new school year, and all that life has to offer. In faith, we will survive and finish the year with a smile.

Back To School: EndNote

In short, I understand how busy and chaotic life, in general, can get. Notably, during the start of a new academic year. Hence, it’s easy to find ourselves wound up in the stress flow. So, use these ten easy ideas to help.

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